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AiLab at AUT

29 Jan '25

Dr. John Flackett: UK's AI Action Plan presentation for Business South – People South Working Group, UK

On Wednesday 29th January 2025 our Head of AiLab, Dr. John Flackett, was invited by Business South to give a presentation on the UK's 'AI Opportunities Action Plan' at the People South Action Group. John delved into some of the key initiatives & talked about the emphasis in the action plan on positioning the UK to be an 'AI maker, not just an AI taker'. He also spoke about the use of AI in HR, AI Skills Development & how AiLab are helping organisations learn about AI & use AI-based systems through our workshops & advisory. Thanks so much to the Business South Team. John will also be giving another talk on the UK's AI Action Plan at the 'Business South's AI Breakfast Briefing' in March 2025. Go to full story: Business South

28 Jan '25

UK: AI Opportunities Action Plan

The UK Government released their 'AI Opportunities Action Plan' this month. With 50 recommendations across key areas, the plan aims to ramp up AI adoption across the UK to boost economic growth, provide jobs for the future & improve people's everyday lives – strengthening the UK's global competitiveness in AI adoption & development. With an emphasis on positioning the UK to be an 'AI maker, not just an AI taker', some of the key initiatives include: Creating AI Growth Zones; Increasing Computing Power; Upskilling Workforce & Increase AI Talent; Pilots for Public Services; Strengthening Sovereign AI Capabilities & Enhancing Regulation. Go to full story: AiLab

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AiLab (Artificial Intelligence Laboratory)

AiLab assists organisations with navigating the Artificial Intelligence landscape and learning about the exciting field of AI. We are proud to have helped thousands of people within industry, government, community and academia across the globe in their AI journey via our world-class AI education, talks, research and advisory services. Launched in 2017, with offices in the UK, Australia and New Zealand, AiLab helps organisations to understand AI, develop AI skills and capability, and build effective action plans and strategies for implementing AI to become AI ready.

AiLab: Addressing the need for Artificial Intelligence education

AI and other emerging technologies are transforming the business world – with AI set to contribute over $13 trillion to the global economy by 2030 [McKinsey Global Institute, 2018]. Awareness about AI and the impact of the cutting-edge techniques, is paramount for all businesses wishing to leverage the next generation of technological advantages. AiLab are addressing the need for AI education by offering professional AI workshops and masterclasses. Get in touch to find out how we can help you unlock the potential for AI in your business.

AI International Speaker

Dr. John Flackett

Co-founder & Head of AiLab, Dr. John Flackett, is a noted Artificial Intelligence international speaker, educator, advisor & business owner.

John's Profile

AiLab Interview

Rachel Neaman

Digital Transformation Specialist: Neaman Consulting

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